Safety is paramount to the ECITB (Engineering Construction Industry Training Board).
Therefore, many construction sites require you to have a CCNSG (Client Contractor National Safety Group) Safety Passport (a nationally recognised document) to enter. To obtain the Passport, you must attend a CCNSG safety training course.
At Wright Medics, we offer the training course on-site and include interactive modules to make it as exciting and effective as possible for construction site staff. We also offer the CCNSG renewal course.
Why Do You Need a CCNSG Safety Passport on a Construction Site?
Think of a CCNSG Safety Passport as your permit to work on construction sites. It is the official safety card of the UK Engineering Construction Industry.
Numerous sites across the UK require you to have the Passport to enter; examples include:
- Engineering and construction sites
- Power generation premises
- Processing sites.
As a result, 30,000 people complete the National course every year.
The course provides top-quality health and safety training so you know how to stay safe on construction sites. It offers various topics, including safe working practices, workplace health, and environmental awareness.
Wright Medics’ CCNSG Safety Passport Course
At Wright Medics, we offer CCNSG Safety Passport Training and renewals.
- The Safety Passport Course lasts two days (Once successfully completed, you must renew the Passport every three years).
- You can renew the Passport in a one-day or online course that takes one to two hours to finish.
Here are some of the most critical features of our CCNSG Safety Passport Course.
We Deliver On-Site Training
While many contractors send operatives to an off-site training centre, Wright Medics does things differently.
In our experience, on-site training is more productive, dynamic and cost-efficient.
We bring the entire training course to you and conduct it at a suitable on-site facility. This makes the process more convenient for our clients and means we can conduct the course in a few hours instead of a whole day at an off-site training centre.
You also need to consider additional expenses. When we conduct the course at your site, it removes the need to pay for:
- Hotels
- Restaurants
- Billable time off work.
We Deliver a Comprehensive Health and Safety Curriculum
The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) defines our course’s curriculum. The curriculum covers multiple sub-topics within:
- Health
- Safety
- Environmental awareness.
The curriculum provides candidates with crucial knowledge to help them engage in safe working practices. Through the course, they will also develop a risk-aware mindset.
We Include Numerous Interactive Modules
To make our course as thorough as we can, we include multiple interacting modules, including:
- Accidents, Emergencies and First Aid
- Asbestos and Silica
- Electricity, Fire, Noise, Stress and Vibration
- Manual Handling and Safe Vehicle Use
- Permits to Work
- Excavations and Confined Spaces
- Asbestos and Silica
- Working at Height
- Workplace Environment and Welfare
- Personal H&S – Legal Duties
- The Environment
- Hazard Awareness
- Visual Display Units and Work Equipment
- Risk Assessments
- PPE.
Need Dynamic, On-site Safety Passport Training for Construction Staff?
Please get in touch with Wright Medics today for the best on-site Safety Passport Training in the country.
Our on-site offering is more convenient and cost-effective without compromising the modules’ quality.
Call us at 01909 730507 or complete the form on our contact page. We are happy to answer any questions about our training courses.